


1. 高性能精密加工技术

2. 3D打印技术(激光增材制造技术)


1. 2017年,东华大学机械工程学院青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖

2. 2017年,第十四届切削与先进制造技术学术会议优秀论文奖

3. 2014年,第六届国际系统工程及机电一体化论坛最佳会议论文奖

4. 2016年,东华大学青年教师教学优秀奖


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (52175384):激光选区熔化含铜钛合金成形机理及抗菌性能调控研究,20221~202512月,在研,主持。

2. 国家发改委重大技术装备攻关项目课题(2102-320905-89-05-514710-03):编织缠绕铺层一体化成型生产线关键技术,20211~202312月,在研,主持。

3. 上海市自然科学基金面上项目(21ZR1400600):基于3D打印技术的含铜钛合金抗菌制造机理及性能调控研究,20214~20243月,在研,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(51705073):基于材料动态力学的钛合金微量润滑铣削残余应力生成机理及预测模型研究,20181~202012月,已结题,主持。



1. XIA JI. Minimum Quantity Lubrication Machining – Process Analysis and Analytical Modeling, Springer, 2023. (ISBN 978-981-19-7086-3)

2. 季霞. 微量润滑切削加工过程热力学分析及建模, 中国宇航出版社,北京, 2022, 07. (ISBN: 978-7-5159-2093-1)


1. Ji Xia*, Wang Shunguo. A Modeling of yarn strength and its influencing factors in the pneumatic splicing process [J]. Textile Research Journal, 2023, Feb.01.

2. Ji Xia*, Wang Yongfu, Liang Steven Y. Analytical modeling of temperature evolution in laser powder bed fusion considering the size and shape of the build part[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2022, 301: 117452.

3. Ji Xia*, Mirkoohi Elham, Ning Jinqiang, Liang Steven Y. Analytical modeling of post-printing grain size in metal additive manufacturing[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 124: 105805.

4. Zhao Man, Ji Xia*, Li Beizhi, Liang Steven Y.  Effect of crystallographic orientation on the hardness of polycrystalline materials AA7075[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019, Vol. 233(9) 3182–3192.

5. Zhao Man, Ji Xia*, Liang Steven Y.  Force prediction in micro-grinding maraging steel 3J33b considering the crystallographic orientation and phase transformation [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 103:2821–2836.

6. Zhao Man, Ji Xia*, Liang Steven Y. Micro-grinding temperature prediction considering the effect of crystallographic orientation and the strain induced by phase transformation [J]. International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing. DOI: 10.1007/s12541-019-0018. June 13, 2019.

7. Ji Xia*, Li Beizhi, Liang Steven Y. Analysis of Thermal and Mechanical Effects on Residual Stress in Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Machining[J]. Journal of Mechanics, 2018, 34, pp:41-46.

8. Zhao Man, Ji Xia*, Liang Steven Y. Influence of AA7075 crystallographic orientation on micro-grinding force[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018.

9. Ji Xia*, Liang Steven Y. Model-based sensitivity analysis of machining-induced residual stress under minimum quantity lubrication[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2017, 231(9), pp:1528-1541.

10. Li Qing, Ji Xia, Liang Steven Y. Incipient Fault Feature Extraction for Rotating Machinery Based on Improved s Improved AR-Minimum Entropy Deconvolution Combined with Variational Mode Decomposition Approach[J]. Entropy, 2017, 19(7):317.

11. Zhao Man, Ji Xia*, Li Beizhi, Liang, Steven Y. Investigation on the influence of material crystallographic orientation on grinding force in the micro-grinding of single-crystal copper with single grit[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 90(9-12): 3347-3355.


1. 季霞杨强范立元闫红霞郗欣甫. 一种非圆柱体锡林结构和控制方法, ZL 202210765603.5

2. 季霞王顺国王丽霞贾坤闫红霞. 一种纱线捻接强度模型构建方法, ZL 202211140893.0

3. 季霞吕伽奇贾坤丁佳明闫红霞. 一种纱线捻线智能识别瑕疵方法及系统, ZL 202211146781.6


1. 上海市图学学会智能制造专业委员会副主任委员

2. 中国机械工业金属切削刀具技术协会切削先进技术研究分会全国理事

3. 机械工程学会高级会员

4. 国际期刊《Journal of Material Science and Technology Research》编委


2012.08 - 2013.03 美国佐治亚理工学院联合培养

2018.08 – 2019.08 美国佐治亚理工学院访问交流


联系电话:021-67792567         E-MAILjixia@dhu.edu.cn